Sunday, September 8, 2013

DIY Sunday

Can't believe its Sunday again, where does the weekend go? Every weekend I plan on doing my readings for the week and every weekend I do nothing. Actually, now that I think about it, I actually did my reading for National Security Law yesterday. Oh wait, I only did reading for my other class tomorrow. One of these weekends, I will get ahead. It'll happen, you just wait and see. 

So instead of doing what I should be doing, I spent the morning crafting. Samreen, my Pinterest obsessed sister, wanted to dye her clothes, ombre style. After a hour or so of dehydrating in the sun (man it was hot today), I think we accomplished a lot. Afterwards I decided to do the craft I have thought of doing while I was in Miami. 

While we were in Miami, I kept these glass water bottles we got from the Concierge Lounge hoping to do a Pinterest project. I decided today would be the perfect Sunday to get craf-tay. 

This is the end product:

What you need:
(1) newspaper
(2) spray point
(3) clear water bottle
(4) hot glue
(5) dry erase marker 

Please ignore the dirty garage floor
First, come up with what you're going to write on the bottle. I thought I would use this bottle as a souvenir from my trip so I decided to write "Miami" (I think I saw it on Pinterest with "love").

Use the dry erase marker to write what you're going to trace with the hot glue gun. 

My cursive stinks, I know
Next, trace what you wrote with the hot glue gun. Make sure you cover all of the dry erase marker--I didn't and it shows at the end. 

The hot gun glue didn't work the way I wanted it to
Then, spray the word. You can spray the whole bottle--I only sprayed the front. 

Wait until the paint dries, I think I left it alone for about 30, and then peel off the glue. I would recommend waiting maybe an hour or so, my paint was still a bit wet when I peeled the glue, but I was too excited to see how it was going to come out to wait. 

Once you peel the glue off, ta-da, you're done! (my "Miami" wasn't as smooth as I wanted, so I dipped a q-tip in some nail polish remover and fixed the edges)

My personal florist Bushra made the arrangement
You can use the bottle for whatever you like--vase, pencil holder, jewelry stand, or any other creative idea. 

Ahhh, my very first DIY post--I feel very Pintestery at this moment. 

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