Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Time flies

I saw this leaf (so pretty) on my way to my car today and it hit me, I can't believe it's almost Fall. Woah. Where does the time go? 

I know I haven't finished uploading pictures from my Florida trip but I have been crazy busy at school (yes this is a legitimate excuse Bushra & Sadiah). I decided to take 17 credits and work 30 hours a week this semester. Why you ask? I have a simple answer: it's because I'm crazy. Completely out of mind. Since school started, I have barely had a few minutes to myself. It has gotten so bad that I didn't even do my readings for class today. I was sitting in both classes hoping and praying I wouldn't get called on by the professor. I survived one class to be only called in the second one but thankfully it was an easy question and I got away with it. I just need to figure out when to do my readings for class (and on time). Oh and to make matters worse, I need to start finding a job post-graduation. Ugh. It's sad when you don't look forward to graduating because you're scared of whats going to happen afterward. Okay okay I'm stopping now. 

I have so many pictures to post and hopefully I'll have plenty of time Saturday. Until then toodles. 

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