I'm back! Yes, its been a while but the important thing is I have returned.
I would have posted something last week but I have been trying to teach myself html so I can put pictures side-by-side and guess what? I FIGURED IT OUT! Not all the way, the spacing is still a bit weird but its something.
Okay, recap. I have been dying to go to the National Galley of Art's Drawing Salon:
Join us for sketching and conversation in the galleries. Led by practicing artists and museum educators, this series of workshops integrates art history and studio art practices.
No I can't draw or paint but I love the idea of being a good painter so why not try something new? The worst part is the seated is limited. I have gone there twice and have been unsuccessful both times. BUT not to worry, I haven't given up just yet. The next one is Sunday and Eisha and I will attempt our journey once again; Sunday is Cezanne's Landscapes.
Other than my unsuccessful attempt to the Art Galley, we have had a beautiful winter. I like snow and yes even with all the snow we've had, I am still not over it. We had a snow "storm" last week. Wait, two weeks ago. February 13 to be exact. I believe all the cool kids were calling it the "Polar Vortex." In Woodbridge Winterland, we got about 10 inches. This was Inaayah's first big snow so she was super excited about it. The only bad part about the snow was cleaning the drive-way. I don't know how Bushra and I shoveled it, but we did and the pain in my back and shoulders reminded me of it the next three/four days. If you couldn't tell, we also made the sexiest snowman known to man kind. You welcome.